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Real estate

Real estate is a $217 trillion-dollar market making up almost 60% of all global wealth. It's the largest source of wealth, yet it is illiquid for 99% of the world today. Real estate includes any resources on the land such as water or minerals.


Gold is commonly seen as a great store of wealth, this precious metal is also known as a reliable safe-haven asset. With a rich history amongst almost all global cultures, gold remains a highly popular investment.


A DeFi wallet is very flexible and can access a variety of applications. DeFi wallets are generally Ethereum compliant and support Ethereum's native ether cryptocurrency as well as ERC-20 crypto tokens and ERC-721 NFT tokens.

Forex trading

Forex trading covers about 5 trillion dollars daily by just the act of trading foreign currencies and precious assets. It comes with a lot of strategies. Domex successfully secures 0.04% of the daily forex revenue.

Loan and savings

Domex loan and financing services. We offer loan services of up to USD 100K to customers on certain trading plans In the company and also guarantee flexibility of the loans offered to customers.


Domex now offers traders all over the world the opportunity to trade a wide range of top ranked digital coins. Cryptocurrency have become known to most people as a conventional and popular investment option.

Our best service for your business development

Instant trading

Domex is a safe and secured option, which ensures steady growth on your investments with daily returns with no hassle.

Best support

We have the best online 24/7 support to assist investors in need, because communication is what matters most.

Covered by insurance

Trusted by thousands of people all over the world. Good reviews on all social channels and a good insurance policy.

Connect traders around the world

Domex rewards loyalty with royalty. Take advantage of our affiliate marketing programs. earn 10% more with every referred investor.

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